Welcome to WLL

It was in a most innocent way that we happened on our place in the world…. During a road trip to get to know the Patagonia, our car broke down, and we had to seek help from an old childhood friend who lived in Bariloche. As we chatted away catching up on all the news, a chance phrase from our friend: “Would you like to see a plot of land that is on sale nearby”… changed our life! And that is how it started, very simply.. a small holiday cabin, a place in the woods to recharge our energy and enthusiasm to face the adventures of living in the big city, our permanent home. The 1990s saw our family growing strongly, our four children were no longer children…. we needed more space! Therefore we added another bedroom and enlarged the kitchen area. After that a second cabin was built, no far from the main one, complete with a small kitchen, a fireplace, a Sauna and Jacuzzi.
We really liked this place, and we came often with our friends. It was so attractive, that in the long run we decided to join it up with the main cabin – and that was the seed of necessity that grew into the fabulous living room area with the huge fire place, the wine cellar (dug directly on rock), the library with books of all kinds, and the bar, where Jimmy prepared his whiskey every evening...

Familia Wray

Familia Wray

Silvia Wray

I am forever grateful for the correct choices I have made in my life, together with my unconditional partner and fantastic sons and daughters, so I wish to share with you, dear guest, my place in the world.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do every day of my life.

Silvia Wray

Paul Wray

Travels and constant contact with nature, provided the tools to help create a wonderful and unique place where I can host adventurers who visit Patagonia.
So it was with the help of the whole family, and after extensive renovation, we transformed a beautiful home into WLL.

Paul Wray
General Manager

Our Staff

Juan Navarro

Juan Navarro

Rosa Navarro

Rosa Navarro

Check availability and book today!